Cold Case: FBI – The Curse of the Bayous


The Curse of the Bayous (front cover)
The Curse of the Bayous (front cover)
The Curse of the Bayous (back cover)

Cold Case: FBI – The Curse of the Bayous


The Curse of the Bayous (Cold Case: FBI – Book 2) is available in both ebook and paperback. The price shown is for ebook only.

Length: 317 pages (paperback)

Amazon Paperback Amazon Kindle
SKU:  CCFBI0002-1 Categories:  , , , , . Tags:  , , , , , .



Regina Hawkins has lost her little boy, gone missing in the wilderness of the Louisiana bayous. Rumors abound shortly thereafter that the child fell victim to a dreaded local curse, and that his soul is lost forever.

Three years pass, and the grief-stricken mother stands on a bridge, ready to end her own life and so join her son in heaven. Only divine intervention, it seems, can save her from this tragic fate.


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